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"インバータは、パワー半導体デバイスのスイッチング効果を利用して電源" の 英語 翻訳




The inverter is a power controller that utilizes the switching effect of the power semiconductor device to convert the power to another frequency. Inverters are divided into two modes of crossover and crossover. The inverter we are using now adopts quadrature orthogonal (vvvvf converter or vector control convert). First, it converts a frequency AC power supply to a DC power supply with a rectifier, and converts a DC power supply into an alternating current power supply which can control frequency and voltage. The power supply of an electric machine is called an indirect inverter. Inverter circuits typically consist of a rectifier, an intermediate DC bus, an inverter, and a control circuit. The three-phase inverter is a bridge PWM rectifier, the three-phase inverter is the energy storage portion of the bridge inverter, and the output portion of the bridge inverter is not an energy buffer portion.


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