Japan is a developing country, and the resource occupancy per person is much lower than the developed country, and environmental problems stand out. Delivery delivery may be the most reusable method. However, garbage in the delivery box only misused useful resources of the place. Therefore, it is necessary to collect home delivery. In order to improve the utilization efficiency of the packaging box and to reduce the pollution of the packaging box, establish a rapid recycling system for recycling goods, improve the quality of the package, increase the utilization rate of the rapid packaging, reduce the waste of resources available for secondary use, and save resources. We must contribute to the construction of environmental friendly corporation. At the same time, the consciousness of recovery of the speedup box was enhanced, and the purpose of recovery and reuse of the express box was achieved in the remodeling and remodeling of the express box. The university has developed a profitable job and has constantly improved the flow of packaging and recovery programs for home delivery, and has combined the concrete situation to promote the spread and execution of the society. It is a system project, and the joint effort of the whole society is necessary, and it is necessary to take the trajectory of the normative, the scientifification, and the law. With the increase in the amount of business, the cost of the enterprise and the waste of resources due to the large waste of express packaging increased day by day, and the society of the society began to emphasize the recovery of the high-speed packaging. Some scholars are also studying packaging recovery for home delivery, but most of them are only studying part of the packaging distribution of home delivery. As a part of the fast recovery package, the problems faced by fast enterprise, e-commerce and consumer are virtually unresolved. As a result, the company will study the Nanjing city's fast packaging package recovery system and submit a suitable plan for the design of the delivery box under the premise of the implementation of the fast package recovery, and dig up profit for the company, the electronic commerce firm, and the consumer who participate in the part of the fast package recovery. The recovery of the express package is economically closed as a profit of many sides.
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