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"信用は経済社会の良性運営の礎であり、ビッグデータ経済の運営に必要な" の 英語 翻訳




Credit is the foundation of benign management of the economic community and provides effective security necessary for the management of the big data economy. In the socio economic life, individuals are the most fundamental unit of conduct, and all of the act activities of the market are determined by individual actions. However, as the number of individuals in the big data market increases, the credit loss phenomenon due to the asymmetry of information on the net increases day by day, and the net of the loss of the credit loss of the net begins to appear, and many credit errors, supervisory management unavoidance, and investment risk problem are gradually exposed. Credit risk has a very high hidden risk, and the constraints and punishments against those who have lost credit are relatively simple and cannot be supported or endorsed by credit holders. For the phenomenon that doesn't protect credit in the present big data age, the origin of the system is that the society lacks the fully creditable personal credit rating system, thereby restricting individual credit loss behavior and punishing it.


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