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"遼寧省は「一帯一路」の建設に十分に溶け込まなければならない。「一対" の 英語 翻訳




Liaoning province must fully integrate into the construction of "one pass". China's foreign trade also met a new chance under the "one-to-one" background. Some countries along the 'Ichi Ichi route' are still in the stage of foundation construction. More companies in Liaoning will be promoting investment in these neighboring countries to build factories, constantly increasing international production capacity cooperation, constantly improving the degree of liberalization of foreign trade, and promoting actively participating in international competition. The excess capacity of superior companies can be exported to these developing countries around the world, and companies such as power and steel can start again and resume the international market. To the markets of developed countries, companies in Liaoning must provide stable high-tech products to stabilize traditional markets. We must continue to develop markets such as Africa, Latin America and the Middle East, including Russia, Germany and central Europe. Their market demand is dependent on China's market demand. Therefore, Chinese spinning goods, clothes and shoes are widely accepted by customers in the field. New


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